Alt om min favoritt tørkede bær ; Mulberries


Mulberry is an ancient food of asia. It has been in use for thousands of years, because of its amazing health benefits.

Lately it has come back, under the name `superfood, mulberry`.

The taste on this berry, can remind of dried figs, and i love them

// health benefit 

  • amazing source of the antioxidant vitamin c, an excellent source of iron, calsium and reservatroland if you enjoy chocolate,  like me, they have raw dark chocolate dipped mulberries too.. double health benefits!

//mulberries as traveling  snack. I am always on the search for the perfect healthy food option to bring on my travels. Or as a daily snack when my blood sugar is running low. So, lately, this is how i have been operating when im travelling, or just walk out my front door.. ;) 

Perfekt travel packaging!

Perfekt travel packaging!

Malin EkstrømComment